Saturday, May 26, 2007

Mama & Me & Papa too.....

Well guys,

Time is flyin' by! I am almost 4 months. It feels like just yesterday when mama and papa took me home from the hospital. I am very content in my new life here. My parents give me a lot of love every day. I am eating a lot too, and smiling and pooing and peeing too.

Mama's birthday is tomorrow so I am going to hang out with my auntie and uncle Dario! I love when my auntie watches me. She takes good care of me, and gives me lots of besosy abrazos. She also just bought me a pretty dollie from NYC!!! The dollie looks like me. When I am older I will play with her.

I will keep you posted on all the fun and excited things I am learning on a daily basis. Thanks for tuning in!


Zoe Bella

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