Saturday, May 19, 2007

14 weeks!!!

Wow!! Time is flying by. Zoe Bella is almost 4 months! I can't believe it. Our little princess sleeps about 3-4 hours at a time, smiles ALOT, and has a good time playing ah-goooooooooo with her papi. She is very expressive and has a lot to say. She got her ears pierced on CINCO DE MAYO, and she cried, but no more than I did : P In fact, she was very brave.

Zoe Bella is growing fat. We like to call her gordita ; ) and she sure lives up to the name. She is thriving on her formula, and now has passed the 4 oz. mark. Now she is eating 5-6 oz. at a time!

My first Mother's Day was so wonderful. Allan, Natasha, Dario, Dad, Zoe and I went to Manhattan Beach for dinner. They spoiled me with gifts and compliments for being a new mom. I think Zoe deserves the compliments more. She is such a GODD BABY.

Me and Allan are blessed, and it becomes more and more amazing with each passing day.

Don't worry, pics will be up soon. Until then.....