Saturday, May 26, 2007

Zoe Growing!

me and mama in the sun!

Mama & Me & Papa too.....

Well guys,

Time is flyin' by! I am almost 4 months. It feels like just yesterday when mama and papa took me home from the hospital. I am very content in my new life here. My parents give me a lot of love every day. I am eating a lot too, and smiling and pooing and peeing too.

Mama's birthday is tomorrow so I am going to hang out with my auntie and uncle Dario! I love when my auntie watches me. She takes good care of me, and gives me lots of besosy abrazos. She also just bought me a pretty dollie from NYC!!! The dollie looks like me. When I am older I will play with her.

I will keep you posted on all the fun and excited things I am learning on a daily basis. Thanks for tuning in!


Zoe Bella

Saturday, May 19, 2007

14 weeks!!!

Wow!! Time is flying by. Zoe Bella is almost 4 months! I can't believe it. Our little princess sleeps about 3-4 hours at a time, smiles ALOT, and has a good time playing ah-goooooooooo with her papi. She is very expressive and has a lot to say. She got her ears pierced on CINCO DE MAYO, and she cried, but no more than I did : P In fact, she was very brave.

Zoe Bella is growing fat. We like to call her gordita ; ) and she sure lives up to the name. She is thriving on her formula, and now has passed the 4 oz. mark. Now she is eating 5-6 oz. at a time!

My first Mother's Day was so wonderful. Allan, Natasha, Dario, Dad, Zoe and I went to Manhattan Beach for dinner. They spoiled me with gifts and compliments for being a new mom. I think Zoe deserves the compliments more. She is such a GODD BABY.

Me and Allan are blessed, and it becomes more and more amazing with each passing day.

Don't worry, pics will be up soon. Until then.....

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Zoe Bella is 11 weeks old. She is really growing fast. All of her onsies don't fit; ( She is cooing more and more everyday. Her smile is contagious. Auntie Asha came over last night for a little one on one time with little Zoe. We all had a great visit.

Zoe hits her 3 month mark next Monday, and although last night was a difficult night sleeping ( woke up 4 times!) I believe by 4 months she will be sleeping through the night.

Check out our (little) family foto. It's the first of many!!!!!

Thanks for visiting our site..look out for more on Zoe Bella over the next few days.

ps: This Sunday we are for sure piercing her ears....

Love and kisses,

zoe and mama

Family Foto...New Beginnings; )