Thursday, November 29, 2007

Zoe's First Thanksgiving!!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I made a wonderful rib roast with a hirseradish encrusted skin, and all the traditional Thanksgiving side dishes. Dad came over and marveled in the beauty of me (daughter) and Zoe (granddaughter).

We ate like Kings and sat comotose watching cheesy movies after. Allan had to work, and Nat and Dario escaped to Yosemite, so it was the three of us.

The pictures of Zoe are adorable, and as you look through the many pics on this page, you can see her baby fat shedding.

Current Zoe statistics:

WEIGHT: 21.75 pounds
HEIGHT: 27 in.
EATING: lots of veggies ( I homemake her soup) fruits (bananas) biscuits, and cheese. She also LOVES her cheerio (like) cereal.

Zoe is almost 10 months and very mobile! She is crawling everywhere and FAST! She crawls sometimes faster than I walk: P

Zoe, Mama and Papi are so proud of you. You are THE best thing that ever happened to us. We are more than grateful for your personality, your curiosity, and your loving ways. We believe in you and your dreams....

Thursday, November 8, 2007

First Fall 07'


As the end of the year approaches, so does the 1st year of my life! Me and mommy and daddy live in the San Fernando Valley now, where the mornings and evenings are cold!

I had my very 1st Halloween where I dressed as a pumpkin: ) I looked adorable but the costume was very uncomfortable. But it made mommy happy.

I am excited for my 1st Christmas! I can't wait to see all the presents I get from Santa Claus.

Thanks for keeping posted to my website. Stay tuned for more on my 1st year!

With Love,

Zoe Bella