Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Father's Day

What a day!!!! Allan's very 1st Daddy's Day...and of course great family time. We all went to Will Rogers State Park to watch the polo matches. Lots of sun and fun...mommy got sunburnt!!!

Check out the latest photos!!!

Zoe is growing more and more every day. Her noises sound so a little horn when she laughs: )

1 comment:

Natasha Sunshine-Antonioni said...

Hi All-

Our little Zoe is surely growing. I see her once a week, maybe twice and boy is she bigger and smarter every time.

My niece is the highlight of my life these days. We had our first alone outing the other day and I got to feel what it feels like to be a new mommy when she had a screaming fit in Banana Republic (I guess it's normal). I just wanted to give her whatever it is that she wanted. But she can't talk yet!! It must be very frustrating for Zoe and Mommy to not always understand each other.

But I imagine being an Auntie and a Mommy are two different. Mommy probably knows. Mother's Intuition, right?

So proud of Dani! My little sis is a wonderful mother. I can only aspire to be as much one day. Love you Zoe! Love you Dani!
