Thursday, September 20, 2007

7 months and growing fast!

As the summer comes to an end, so does the first half year of Zoe Bella's life! She is 7 1/2 months now and growing so fast...Her current developmental milestones include:

Crawling (everywhere and anywhere)
Teething (she has her two bottom)
Talking (mama and dada, nana and lala)
Pushing things away she doesn't like such as certain foods or clothes (peas)
Pulling herself up to stand! (this is new as of this week)
Sleeping (almost) through the night!!!

We are so amazed everyday with the growth of our little princess. She is a very bright, and easy baby.

In closing, we are sad to see our nanny Adriana Ramirez leave the family. Allan and I have decided to enter Zoe Bella into a daycare facility. We believe she needs more activity and friends!!! This is a new chapter in her/our lives and we can't wait to share these new times with you.

Stay tuned for more Fall/ Winter changes and development on Zoe Bella.


Allan, Daniela & Zoe Bella